President's Message

Lawrence  Portrait
Mr Lawrence Hung, F.I.H.R.M.(HK)

President, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM)


I have had the honour of serving as the President since 2022, working closely with the Executive Council and the Secretariat to foster the development of the Institute. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the former Presidents who laid a strong foundation, enabling the Institute to become a leading professional body in Hong Kong for human resource management.


Recently, we have introduced three new Committees to equip our members to embrace the opportunities and advancements of the new era. The Advocacy and Policy Research Committee has actively advocated numerous proposals in response to the government's human capital development policies, facilitating knowledge exchange and addressing challenges faced by our members. The ESG Committee focuses on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concepts into human resource management and practices. Additionally, the HR Digitalisation Committee promotes the digital transformation of human resource management and services. To keep members abreast of the development of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and China, the Institute has collaborated with a renowned consulting firm in China for the first time to conduct a Pay Trend Survey and provide regular updates on HR news tailored to the GBA for our members. It aims to support our members in seizing the opportunities that arise from significant trends and advancements in the global landscape.


Moreover, the Institute has been inviting seasoned HR practitioners and relevant experts to join our Council and various Committees, contributing their professional insights and skills. To shape the blueprint for talent development in Hong Kong, the Institute conducts the Future Workforce Study to explore the skills required in the future labour market. This study assists employers in formulating strategic talent plans and empowers young people to proactively plan their career paths ahead of time.


Looking forward, we will continue to unite our members, launch new initiatives, and strive to elevate the professional standards in human resources management.