HR Excellence Awards Winner's Series 2019/20 - Excellent Employee Engagement Award Hong Kong Police Force

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Publish Date: 2021-06-01

Key takeaways:


  • Through sustainable staff engagement strategies, the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) strives for quality service.

  • Its Mentor Police Constables Scheme inspires new employees’ passion in their work.

How has the Mentor Police Constables (MPC) Scheme strengthened staff and organisational performance?

The HKPF launched the MPC Scheme in 2019 to enhance its quality service and motivate the frontline by pairing experienced offi cers with rookies on the beat. Involving commanders and supervisors, we have carefully handpicked more than 600 capable and devoted police constables (PCs) as effective mentors, who have guided over 1,000 budding PCs in their initial weeks upon completion of foundation police training. Apart from sharing professional knowledge and skills, MPCs have effectively inspired their mentees with their passion, vision, and values.

Comparing new PCs’ productivity and service statistics before and after the Scheme, there is clear progress in their ability in discharging their duties on the beat and practising their newly acquired knowledge and techniques.

How has the Scheme boosted staff engagement?

From the very beginning, the Scheme took a practical approach in seeking offi cers’ views through an extensive consultation exercise to identify their unit’s challenges. Comprehensive outreach and communication were conducted with hundreds of frontline key stakeholders, resulting in a strong sense of ownership of the Scheme.

For outstanding MPCs, the Scheme provides good opportunities for them to realise their leadership potential, and a sense of honour as their performance is celebrated with commendations from commanders, extra posting options, and tailored refresher training. As for new PCs, they have displayed better adaptation skills, confi dence level, and job satisfaction through their longterm relationship with MPCs. The Scheme has not only nurtured the genuine bonding between offi cers, but has also sparked the passion and commitment for work in our upcoming generations.

What does HR do to prepare employees for challenges in the future?

Our most valuable assets have always been our own offi cers. We adopt a ‘people-based’ HRM strategy which aims to develop our offi cers’ core competences, unlock their potential, and maintain high levels of commitment and motivation, in order to embrace our challenges in the future. Apart from incorporating our values in various in-house programmes and management training, we consider the continuous fostering of these beliefs as an organisational priority. Furthermore, robust daily internal updates on welfare and staff issues are also in place to maintain an active dialogue and essential care throughout the organisation.

All these measures have helped to integrate our values and passion among police offi cers and instill their sense of drive and belonging towards the organisation.