Rebuilding the Post-COVID Employment Landscape President’s Message

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Publish Date: 2021-09-28



Dear Members,


The past year marked my third term as President of the HKIHRM. I would like to give sincere thanks to members for your support over a year of unprecedented challenges against the backdrop of COVID-19. If you have yet to renew your membership, I encourage you to do so as we navigate the new normal together.


Q1 2021 documented an economic growth of 7.9%, putting an end to a contraction period that lasted for six quarters in a row. The same quarter witnessed a slight dip in the unemployment rate from the 17-year record high of 7.2% to 6.8%. To support our member organisations through this diffi cult time, the HKIHRM participated in the HKSAR Job Creation Scheme (JCS) 1.0, offering a subsidy of up to HKD10,000 or 50% of the actual salary for 500 time-limited new jobs in the private sector. Riding on the success of JCS 1.0, we will endeavour to participate in the scheme for another round. 


Please stay tuned for details to be announced soon by the end of Q3 2021.


From the second half of 2021, we plan to gradually phase in more physical events in view of the subsiding pandemic situation. This arrangement will provide an excellent environment for participants to network with one another and make up for lost time. Our signature event Pay Trend & Benefi ts Seminar 2021, titled “Decoding the Future of C&B in a Post-COVID World”, will be held on 18 October. With the theme “HR in the Driver’s Seat: Purpose • Sustainability • Future Ready”, our Annual Conference & Exhibition 2021 will be held on 11-12 November at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. We look forward to your participation and support in these events.


Last but not least, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my fellow Executive Council members for re-electing me as President of the HKIHRM. The Executive Council, together with the Secretariat, will join forces to support our members to rebuild the work landscape in postCOVID times.


Margaret Cheng, JP


President of the HKIHRM