Executive Certificate in Procurement for HR Professionals

日期: 2024年11月18日
時間: 9:30am – 5:30pm
價格: 會員:HK$3,000;非會員:HK$4,000

持續專業發展(CPD)時數: 7


授課語言:廣東話 (輔以英文教材)


上課地點:香港人力資源管理學會,香港九⿓觀塘觀塘道378號創紀之城2期18樓 1810-15室 (鄰近港鐵牛頭⻆站A出口約3分鐘路程)



**建議參加者上課自備智能手機,Microsoft系統電腦,預先安裝MS Excel和MS Word(2019或更新版本)及PDF閲讀器**


enlightenedHKIHRM會員優惠: 買一送一*

會員 HK$ 3,000

非會員 HK$ 4,000




Course Highlight

This course will cover the latest trends and best practices in procurement, including how to align procurement strategies with the overall goals and objectives of the organisation. It will also focus on the importance of considering risks and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in procurement decisions, ensuring sustainable and ethical practices. By the end of this course, HR professionals will have a clear vision of how procurement can enhance the performance of the HR department and contribute to the overall success of the organisation.



Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding the role and importance of procurement in HR operations
  • Aligning procurement strategies with organisational goals and objectives
  • Mitigating risks and considering ESG factors in procurement decisions
  • Gaining strategic insights to effectively manage procurement processes and contribute to overall organisational success