Power Automate in a Day - for HR professionals

日期: 2025年03月13日
時間: 09:30 am - 05:00 pm
價格: 會員 HK$2,200; 非會員 HK$3,000



上課地點:Infocan 電腦培訓室 九龍觀塘開源道 64 號源成中心 8 樓 (觀塘港鐵站B1出口)


早鳥優惠 [報名表格及費用須於 2025年2月10日或之前 繳交]

會員 HK$ 1,980

非會員 HK$ 2,700





Click here for flyer


This course is an instructor-led product showcase for Microsoft Power Automate from start to finish in an engaging and practical way. You will be able to bring home with ready-to-use FLOW and gain the confidence to select the right actions and workflow logic for your business workflows.


Enrol now to enhance your value in the data-driven world!