【Ask Us Anything Series】Young Talent Acquisition and Engagement

日期: 2025年02月27日
時間: 12:45pm - 1:45pm
價格: 費用全免



網上課程 (登⼊資訊將於課程前透過電郵發佈)


“Your most-wanted Talent Management questions answered by TM experts and leaders!”

An informal open forum for junior to middle-level HR practitioners to ask any questions related to Young Talent Acquisition and Engagement. Engaging young talents promotes innovation, links new ideas with organisational goals, and accelerates overall performance!


“Have you ever wished there was someone to answer your just-in-time questions at work?”

Share with us your questions, “Ask Us Anything” is finely tuned to address your relevance, while your identity will be kept anonymous. Don’t miss out on this unique chance; reserve your seat now!


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