- 和僱傭有關的法例保障
- 了解與僱傭相關的法例保障,確保僱員與僱主之間的權益得到充分保障。
- 《僱傭條例》
- 《職業介紹所規例》
- 《僱用兒童規例》
- 《僱用青年(工業)規例》
- 《僱員補償條例》
- 《工廠及工業經營條例》
- 《最低工資條例》
- 與入息有關的保障
- 探討與入息相關的保障措施,確保僱員在工作中獲得合理的薪酬和福利。
- 工資的支付
- 剋扣工資
- 最低工資
- 年終酬金
- 遣散費
- 長期服務金
- 強積金
- 與休息有關的保障
- 深入瞭解與休息有關的保障政策,包括工作時間規定和休假制度。
- 與醫療有關的保障
- 探討與醫療相關的保障措施,確保僱員在生病或受傷時獲得適當的醫療照顧。
- 其他僱傭/法例保障
- 探討其他法例中提供的保障措施,以確保僱員的權益得到充分尊重和保護。
- 終止僱傭合約通知期
- 合理解僱
- 合法解僱
- 《基本法》
- 《職工會條例》
- 《性別歧視條例》
- 《殘疾歧視條例》
- 《家庭崗位歧視條例》
- 《種族歧視條例》
- 《破產欠薪保障條例》
- 《職業安全及健康條例》
Dr Bryan Law (LLD)
Principal Consultant, Prodigy Consulting
Professor, Fox College of Business
Dr Law is a multi-faceted educator with 25 years of corporate consulting experience, focusing on operational optimization, strategic planning, market analysis, human resources, EDI, financial analysis, learning and development. Dr Law has also been engaged in reviewing, redrafting and drafting contracts for over 20 years in a variety of areas, including employment agreements, employee handbooks, real estate agreements, franchise agreements, non-competition agreements, commercial contracts, confidentiality agreements, etc.
Dr Law is also an Amazon bestselling author and has written over forty books on various topics, including human resources, human rights, employment law, real estate, and entrepreneurship theory, for entrepreneurs, SMEs, multinational corporations, nonprofit organizations and government agencies. He has taught 6,000 students from over 100 ethnic groups with different backgrounds.
Tel: (852) 2837 3831
Email: learning@hkihrm.org