Certificate in Talent Management

日期: 2025年04月23日 - 2025年04月30日
時間: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
價格: Member: $4,500 Non-member: $5,900



上課地點:香港人力資源管理學會 香港九⿓觀塘觀塘道378號創紀之城2期18樓 1810-15室 (鄰近港鐵牛頭⻆站A出口約3分鐘路程)


日期: 2025年4月23及30日 (第一輪)

          2025年11月5及12日 (第二輪)

會員 HK$ 4,500

非會員 HK$ 5,900




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Module 1

  1. Mission and objectives of talent management
    1. Overview of talent management
    2. Talent management plan that aligns with business strategy and people strategy
    3. Key stakeholders
  2. Talent management model
    1. Key elements of talent management model
    2. Talent management and workforce planning
    3. Talent management and other core functions of human resources
  3. Competency framework
    1. Overview of competency framework
    2. Alignment with business and people needs
    3. Process to develop a competency framework

Module 2

  1. Talent identification
    1. Definition of high performers, high potentials and potential successors
    2. Talent matrix
    3. Assessment tools
    4. Qualitative inputs
  2. Succession planning
    1. Talent management meetings with senior management
    2. Successor list and readiness
    3. Talent development needs and actions
    4. Post meeting actions

Module 3

  1. Communication with identified talents
    1. Communication strategy and approach
    2. Considerations, pros and cons
    3. Implication and impact
    4. Managing expectation


  1. Talent development
    1. Talent development and employee development
    2. Individual development plan
    3. Talent development program by integrated approach
    4. Progress review and potential changes

Module 4

  1. Engagement and retention
    1. Elevate growth and career progression of identified talents
    2. Career conversations and career coaching
    3. Derailed talents and supports


  1. Outcome
    1. Potential risks and ways to manage
    2. Key success factors
    3. Measuring results


  1. Alignment with core HR functions
    1. Integration of relevant competencies into hiring and performance requirement
    2. Relevant monetary and non-monetary rewards for talents
    3. Collaboration with all stakeholders