A good organisation structure design supports the development of an organisation in alignment with its business strategies, by partitioning its big job into smaller jobs of functions and individuals. Furthermore, it serves as a basis for the job analysis which helps clarify the specific role and responsibilities of different positions to ensure seamless collaboration.
Key Takeaways
What is an Organisation Structure?
Relationship among Corporate Directives, Business Processes & Organisation Structure
Common Functions in Different Industries: Industry-Specific vs Generic Functions
Determining the Organisational Complexity: Horizontal vs Vertical Differentiation
Consideration of Check & Balance and Labour Supply in Organisation Structure Design
Dimensions of Organisation Structure Design: Functional Specifications vs Business Orientation
Comparison among Functional, Simple, Matrix & Divisional Structure
Structure Design for Organisations with Spanning Geography
Conducting Job Analysis Step by Step: Crafting Effective job Descriptions
Ensuring the Vertical & Horizontal Alignments of Job Responsibilities
Verb Choices in Job Descriptions for Different Job Grades
Defining Quantitative Dimensions, Qualifications, and Required Experiences