【Lunch and Learn Series】行業多面睇(建築行業)

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Publish Date: 2024-08-01

Key Takeaways:


The Present and Future of the Construction Industry

  • As a highly livelihood-related industry, the construction industry is of particular importance in driving the development of our city.
  • In recent years, the construction industry has witnessed a notable increase in digitalisation, automatisation and intellectualisation, with numerous applications of science and technology innovations, such as Smart-Construction System, BIM, AR Technology, etc.
  • Talent is the foundation of the construction industry. Beyond professionalism, the industry requires individuals with strong coordination, communication, and problem-solving skills.


The Role of HR in Construction Industry

  • In this fast-changing and talent-driven industry, the HR team plays a crucial role in being agile and adopting rapid and flexible HR strategies.
  • China State Construction Engineering (HK) Limited (CSHK) has taken proactive measures to expand channels for global talent acquisition. Additionally, CSHK is dedicated to attracting younger talents by organising workshops and industrial seminars tailored for secondary students.
  • CSHK has implemented various dedicated schemes to nurture and develop talents, including their highly regarded GBA exchange programmes and Tech-days.

To offer comprehensive market insights across various industries in HR field, the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) has successfully organised a series of 【行業多面睇】 webinars for members since 2023. These webinars serve as valuable platforms for gaining in-depth knowledge about the latest industry trends and understanding the opportunities and challenges within different industries in the HR field. Through these webinars, members can broaden their understanding of the dynamic landscape and enhance their professional expertise.

Ms Stacy Liao, Head of People – Human Resources Department of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited was the guest speaker for a webinar in which she shared insights on the current status and future development, opportunities and challenges in the HR perspective under the construction industry with lively samples.