Mr Jetta Chan
Arcadia Consulting Trainer
Mr. Jetta Chan is an experienced facilitator who has over 15 years of experiences in both in-house and training consultancy. He was the Head of Training and Talent Development for some MNCs, leading teams of training professionals in Greater China & North Asia region. During his consultancy career, he has conducted a wide range of management trainings for various industries such as Retail, Finance, Professional Services, FMCG, Education, Government & NGOs, etc.
His extensive exposure in different training arenas shapes himself with sound training acumen. Over the years, Jetta has equipped himself with excellent facilitation skills by learning different tools such as Design Thinking, Everything DiSC®, NLP, Coaching, Active Reviewing, Enneagram etc. He is experienced in using interactive training methods, such as role play and experiential activities. His trainees regard him as a knowledgeable, fun and inspired trainer who engages the classes well to achieve concrete learnings for usage in daily work and life.
This seminar targets for HR professionals who want to improve their presentation skills, influence and expression of ideas, and enhance their ability to interact with management, collaborate and connect with clients
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Mr Joel Lei
Tel: (852) 2837 3839